Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men and Women

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Safety First
Our highest quality of medical care ensures that we guide patients along national safety regulations and standards of care for our patients. Our treatment plan is designed and specifically tailored to each patient. Radiant Integrative only provides treatments based on the safest and healthiest mechanism possible to ensure quality results. Our bioidentical hormone replacement therapy program utilizes certified local compounding pharmacists here in Middletown and in the greater Louisville, KY area. We never prescribe outside of our scope of practice and will always put patient safety first
Benefits of balancing hormones can include: improvement of fatigue, increased energy, improved libido (sex drive), decrease or ridding of vasomotor symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood imbalances. Many other benefits can arise from utilizing bioidentical hormone replacement. Working together with our patients, we can utilize bioidentical hormone balancing or research based plant medicine to alleviate symptoms linked with an imbalance of hormones.
Balancing Female Hormones Safely
Female hormone replacement therapy will help ladies attain ideal health results in the safest, most effective manner. We work hard to jump start the body into providing all the nutrients it needs to build hormones naturally. Our team will provide the best female hormone replacement therapy by listening to patient concerns and performing thorough lab evaluations. We then guide them along a path to restore healthy levels. We can utilize integrative medicine by using traditional medicine to prescribe and nutraceuticals to replenish. Our goal is to restore the natural capability to balance health.
Replenishing hormone replacement therapy can result in an increased sense of well-being, improvement of mood, increased libido and sex drive, ease of building muscle, vaginal health restoration, decreased vasomotor symptoms and decreased fatigue. Safety is the utmost priority, and we will never treat outside of our scope of practice. Radiant prides itself in nourishing our patients' medical needs by diagnosing and treating core medical problems to ensure quality results.
Male Hormone Replacement Therapy
Male hormone replacement therapy for men will help gentlemen experience ideal health and receive optimal results in the safest manner. We work hard to jump start the body into providing all the nutrients it needs to build hormones (such as testosterone) naturally. Cardiovascular screenings are done with each patient. Our nutraceuticals will help replenish the building blocks to support the body's ability to produce on its own.
In-Depth Integrative Approach For Men
Replenishing male hormones can result in an increased sense of well-being, improvement of mood, increased libido and sex drive, ease of building muscle, and decrease of fatigue. Safety is our utmost priority! We will never treat outside our scope of practice. Radiant prides itself in nourishing our patients' medical needs by diagnosing and treating core problems to ensure quality results.